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"ChangeBEAT brought visibility, consistency, control, reduced risk and better resourcing."
Technology Services

Our approach

ChangeBEAT builds long-term relationships with executives who want to get things done. Our starting point is your aspiration: to seize an opportunity, transform an operation, blaze a new trail or solve a particular problem. You may need to improve sales efficiency, deliver better projects, grow a business unit, or make your offerings more valuable to your customers. You may want to develop your leadership agenda, build a global business plan, or clarify your team’s responsibilities and performance criteria.


The essence of our expertise is to help you to build a “straw man” of a programme that will deliver results: big enough to make a difference, but not so big as to make success uncertain. This then gives us something to socialise, discuss, amend and improve until it has the full support of your “guiding coalition” for change.


Our experience of change management is encapsulated in our methodology WingBEAT and the supporting ToolSET which brings structure and productivity to our work. But we never put our approach ahead of your needs. ChangeBEAT people are pragmatic and understand real-life constraints and pressures. We work with things as they are, but change them to how you wish them to be.


Your aspiration is our inspiration
£430M of additional revenue and £166M of additional profit
Montage Woman with green folder


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