Sales Enablement
The ValueCYCLE
In episode 21 we looked at the heinous crime of the murder of sales enablement and in 22 we revealed whodunit. We also discussed the elusive nature of value and why it is so hard to capture.
In this episode we reveal how technology company executives can crack the sales enablement conundrum using ChangeBEAT ‘s ValueCYCLE to make their companies more customer centric, to increase value, and to drive big improvements to both sales and profits.
It’s the Value, Stupid!
In the last episode we asked "Who murdered sales enablement?" and today we reveal whodunit. Along the way we take a hard look at why it is that so much of the time and money spent on sales tools and marketing collateral actually worsens sales productivity.
As Bill Clinton nearly said "It’s the value, stupid". Or rather, for most technology companies it isn't, because value is like a genie and hard to put in a bottle.
In our war story we tell how a wise sales guru helps an aspiring high flier to learn what value really is.
Who Murdered Sales Enablement?
A most heinous crime is draining the bank balances of many technology companies and impoverishing their employees. It is the cause of much ill feeling, aggravation and frustration within these companies and of cold indifference from their customers.
The crime is that someone has murdered sales enablement and in this episode we ask you to consider the suspects, review the case notes and be the judge.