Sales Leadership and Management
Visionaries and Taskmasters
In this episode we look at the unique pressures and challenges facing perhaps the most important person in any technology organisation, the leader of the sales team. We look at how this special person must balance very conflicting, even contradictory, pressures, and we tell the story of how one sales leader managed to cut sales costs but still grow both the top and bottom line.
A Five-Point Plan for Surviving the Perfect Storm
The perfect storm is on us and the R word is all about, but in this episode we give our listeners a five-point leadership plan to keep sales going. We show you how to respond when the customer’s first instinct is to hoard their cash, and we provide you with a plan for rallying the sales team, giving them the confidence, the tools and the techniques to fight back and grab market share.
We look in particular at Benefits Mapping, a powerful new sales tool to enable you to close your wavering pipeline, generate new opportunities and get back to business!