SalesEXEC 20 Sales presentations
In many sales campaigns the most significant event will be a "set piece" sales presentation when the prospect asks the supplier formally to present their case, often in full knowledge that competition will be given a similar opportunity.
The successful sales professional must be eagerly confident of grasping this opportunity. They must know how to build and deliver a presentation that is interesting, exciting and complete. It must be smoothly and professionally delivered, and it must hit home with every member of the audience.
SalesEXEC 20 enables delegates to prepare and deliver a winning sales presentation. Delegates are given the opportunity to prepare and make presentations to an audience, which are captured on video allowing for a full and effective debrief.
The module looks at the techniques of planning and making a professional sales presentation, avoiding distractions and delivering a message with real impact.
This module covers
Understanding the audience
Interest groups
Defining objectives and key messages
Structure and timing
Developing the presentation content
Adding "sizzle"
Handling interruptions
Handling questions
This module provides the necessary briefing material to enable the delegate to prepare a presentation. The "audience" is composed of mixed technical and business people, requiring the delegate to compose material that meets the needs of all sections of the audience.
If you are interested in finding out more about SalesEXEC 20 contact us